Monday, January 21, 2013

Make It A Must

Decided to "Make It A Must".... Make loosing weight a MUST...... Make lowering my Blood Pressure a MUST....... Make being happy a MUST......
For weight started moving instead of sitting. Making eating right a must and exercise every day. Riding exercise bike tonight for 20 minutes.
Gave up coffee and all caffeine.  Watching salt intake every meal.
Tapping everyday for lower blood pressure and faster metabolism.
The biggest thing I think is to wake every morning and decide that it is going to be a GREAT DAY!!.S
Started reading THE MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne. Day one write down 10 things you are grateful for and why. Then read those 10 things and after each one say Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Let me say that I am Thankful for each and everyone of you!!!!!
Have a Blessed Day!!
Happy Tapping........

1 comment:

  1. Gratefulness and sticking with it, that's the ticket! Good luck!

