Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm Sorry Please Forgive me

So here is a sure fire way to boost your mood and bring wonderful things into your life.
Start at Karate Chop point and say " I'm Sorry  Please Forgive Me  Thank You   I Love You" repeat 3 times
As you tap through the points say (inside eye brow) "I'm Sorry" (outside eye point) "Please Forgive Me" (under eye) "Thank You" (above the lip) "I Love You" (under lip above chin) "I'm Sorry" (collar bone) "Please Forgive Me" (under arm) "Thank You" (top of head) "I Love You"  repeat 3 times

After I do this Tapping no matter how I was feeling before I feel AMAZING after.

Still working on getting that blood pressure down. 

But on a great note.....
         I have been tapping for healing. I have had a knot on top of my head for years. This past year it started to get bigger. Since starting the Tapping for Healing  the knot is already half it's size.  I also think that it helps to tell the divine God Thank You for my Healing. I do this several times through out my day.

Until next time.....

Happy Tapping