Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm Sorry Please Forgive me

So here is a sure fire way to boost your mood and bring wonderful things into your life.
Start at Karate Chop point and say " I'm Sorry  Please Forgive Me  Thank You   I Love You" repeat 3 times
As you tap through the points say (inside eye brow) "I'm Sorry" (outside eye point) "Please Forgive Me" (under eye) "Thank You" (above the lip) "I Love You" (under lip above chin) "I'm Sorry" (collar bone) "Please Forgive Me" (under arm) "Thank You" (top of head) "I Love You"  repeat 3 times

After I do this Tapping no matter how I was feeling before I feel AMAZING after.

Still working on getting that blood pressure down. 

But on a great note.....
         I have been tapping for healing. I have had a knot on top of my head for years. This past year it started to get bigger. Since starting the Tapping for Healing  the knot is already half it's size.  I also think that it helps to tell the divine God Thank You for my Healing. I do this several times through out my day.

Until next time.....

Happy Tapping

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tapping Script for High Blood Pressure

(Start with Karate Chop point. The side of the hand, just down from the pinky finger)

This tension I’m feeling

This tension I’m feeling in my body

This tension that I have in my body, that’s causing my high blood pressure

This tension no longer needs to be here

Because I truly love and accept myself

(Repeat above 3 times)

(Start tapping points. Start with inner eyebrow point. Tap one point per line)

Whatever reason my body wants to hold onto this tension

It’s OK

Because the danger has passed

My body no longer needs to hold on to this tension

My body is releasing this tension now

It’s releasing this tension that I have in my body

Because it no longer needs to be here

My heart, which has weakened because of this tension

Can now become strong

My heart allow me to be healthy

Without needing medication

It allows me to be the person I want to be

I don’t need to take any medication

I’m free of worrying about my blood pressure

And I now feel even better than I did before!

I feel Vibrant

I have tons of energy

My blood flows through my body easily and effortlessly

Because I’m giving my heart permission to do that

I’m giving my heart permission to let go of all the tension that’s in it

And I’m allowing it to restore itself to its natural, healthy state.

My life is amazing

I’m amazing

I love living my life with rich, vibrant, hear

(Take a deep breath grap your wrist and say PEACE. Take another deep breath and say Thank You)


do 3-4x's a day

 Let me know if this helps any of you. I have been doing it once or twice a day for a few days now. Checking BP before bed tonight. 

Until next time

Monday, January 21, 2013

Make It A Must

Decided to "Make It A Must".... Make loosing weight a MUST...... Make lowering my Blood Pressure a MUST....... Make being happy a MUST......
For weight started moving instead of sitting. Making eating right a must and exercise every day. Riding exercise bike tonight for 20 minutes.
Gave up coffee and all caffeine.  Watching salt intake every meal.
Tapping everyday for lower blood pressure and faster metabolism.
The biggest thing I think is to wake every morning and decide that it is going to be a GREAT DAY!!.S
Started reading THE MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne. Day one write down 10 things you are grateful for and why. Then read those 10 things and after each one say Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Let me say that I am Thankful for each and everyone of you!!!!!
Have a Blessed Day!!
Happy Tapping........

Saturday, January 19, 2013

bad week

So had a bad week..... Tried to keep Tapping and LOA at work but well.....some days were better than others.  My Blood Pressure is high and been stressing about that. Also been stressing about eyes... This glaucoma thing was bugging me more than I thought. 
Had a break down the other night. The next day came across Tony Robbins on Started listening to him. Some things are starting to click....
Like the fact that Believing isn't enough you have to Be CERTAIN in your Believe. Also I need to hold myself to a high standard than anyone else does.
I have somethings to work on and going to work really hard on them.
Happy Tapping

Saturday, January 12, 2013

This is really Working

Today is January 12,2013
I can't believe it but "Tapping for Weight Loss/ Faster Metabolism" is working great. Stepped on the scale and I am down another pound. Weighing in at 212. I was at 210 before the holidays so I hope to be back to that by Monday.
Today went for my first eye exam EVER. My eyes are almost perfect just had to pick up a pair of over the counter readers in the lowest they make. Found some cute ones for about $6. However I now have to see a specialist for "Suspect Glaucoma".  SO...... I plan on "Tapping " to change this. The eye dr. said something about something look like doughnut and they judge the size of the hole... Well mine is not equal in both eyes and both are too large. Good news would be that it is normal for me as in I was born this way. Bad news would be beginning signs of Glaucoma. Either way I am going to start "Tapping"
I am going to rest my eyes and do my nightly rounds of "Tapping"
Until next time......

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tapping.... Not what you are thinking

Happy Tapping is probably not what you are thinking. get your mind out of the gutter.....
On my search to learn more and more about how to live my life to the fullest with the Law of Attraction I kept coming across the term "Tapping".
What is "TAPPING"? Tapping also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), uses the ancient principles of Chinese acupuncture to address your issues except without the needles. Tapping certain points on the body. It works great on pain be it physical or emotional. However it also does so much more. Tapping (EFT) is extremely powerful.

So one day in late October 2012; I decided to search for "Tapping". I  was AMAZED!!!! I found everything from Tapping for $50,000.00 to Tapping for Perfect Health. I quickly became addicted.  I started Tapping!!

Tapping for "Something Big" sounded fun and only took me a few minutes a day. I started Tapping for "Something Big" the second week of November 2012. I would tap some days 2 or 3 times a day. I really wanted out of my current job. So with the intention of a new job I tapped and used visualization. I would write my resignation letter daily.
Nothing happened right away but by the end of November a way was shown to me. I was not going to question or fear this new opportunity.

I tapped for extra money for Christmas. It worked we received an extra $300.00 unexpected income.  I had only tapped and used Law of Attraction (LOA) for $250.00. The extra $50.00 was a really nice

I have used  Tapping to relive a head ache and even menstrual cramps.

Last year I was told that I had high blood pressure 150/100. I thought I would be able to lower it with proper diet and loosing weight. The doctor agreed to let me try with out medication. However here it is almost time for annual exam and I have not lost any weight and by blood pressure is still high. The last time I check it it was 148/98. SO......... I have decided to lower by blood pressure with TAPPING.
Did some research on "Tapping to Lower Blood Pressure" and came up with a process of three to four rounds that feel right to me.  I am going to do these rounds 3 to 4 times a day starting tomorrow.

As for my weight...... earlier this week I came across a new teacher on and a video on "Tapping for Weight Lose/Speed up Your Metabolism". AMAZING!!! I started out the week at 215.8 and two days of "Tapping for Weight lose/Speed up Your Metabolism" and this morning I weighed in at 213.0.  I feel wonderful and all tingly after Tapping.

I have started this blog as a way to share my journey.........
Do your own research on Tapping (EFT) and the Law of Attraction. You will be Amazed!

Until Next Time..... HAPPY TAPPING